General instructions:
- The certificate of visa exemption is granted for Vietnamese residing abroad and holders of foreign passport who are spouses or children of a Vietnamese citizens or Vietnamese residing abroad.
- The visa exemption certificate is valid for up to 05 years and will be expired six months before the expiry date of the passport attached.
- Maximum duration of each stay in Vietnam is up to 6 months depending on the decision from the Immigration of Vietnam.
- The visa exemption certificate can be applied for by mail or in person at the Embassy of Vietnam in Canada (55 Mackay street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1M2B2).
Required documents to apply for visa exemption certificate:
1. For Vietnamese people residing abroad, application dossier comprises of:
- 01 application form for visa exemption certificate. Please download the form Here.
- 02 recent passport-sized colour picture with white background, straight face, bare head, no colored glasses.
- Valid passport or equivalent documents with validity of more than 12 months since the date of application.
- One of the following documents (original for verification and an authenticated certified true copy for file):
- A Vietnamese passport (valid or expired);
- A copy of Vietnamese Identity Card (valid or expired);
- A Vietnamese Birth Certificate;
- The latest voter’s card;
- A Family Register Book;
- A travel document issued before 1975;
- An Identity Card issued before 1975;- Certificate of Vietnamese citizenship;
- A copy or excerpt of the Decision for Recovery of Vietnamese citizenship;
- A copy or excerpt of the Decision for Renunciation of Vietnamese citizenship;
- Certificate of Loss of Vietnamese citizenship;
- An Excerpt from Birth Register issued before 1975;
- Documents issued by competent foreign authorities proving that the person in question has original Vietnamese citizenship or of Vietnamese origin.
- Your mailing address, telephone/cellphone number that we can send the documents back to you by Fedex (for applicants by mail only).
2. For holders of foreign passports who are spouses or children of a Vietnamese citizen or Vietnamese residing abroad:
Application dossier comprises of all items as listed above in 1.a, b, c, d, f and documents (original or certified and authenticated copy) proving their spouse/parent are Vietnamese residing abroad, such as:
- Passport or other forms of ID of their spouse/parent who are Vietnamese people residing abroad
- Certificate of Marriage;
- Certificate of Birth;
- A Certificate of relationship with father, mother, children;
- Decision of Adoption;
- Other valid documents as regulated by the Vietnamese Law.
3. Processing time: 5-7 working days and may take up to 4 weeks, depending on specific cases, processing time at the Embassy and approval by the relevant authorities in Viet Nam for visa exemption (starting from the time that the Embassy receives a complete application).
4. Note:
- The application form must be filled out online, printed off and submitted along with all required supporting documents. The application must be submitted by mail.
- Click Credit-Card-Charge-Form to download the credit card charge form.
- The visa exemption fee is regulated by the government.
- For further information, please kindly contact the Visa exemption section:
- If you request to have the documents returned by mail, please provide full name of the recipient, a detailed mailing address (with postal code) and a telephone/cellphone number. The documents will be shipped by Fedex service or Canada post service.
- For the authentication procedure at the Department of Foreign Affairs Canada, please refer to their website.