Août  21, 1973 Le Vietnam et le Canada  établissent des relations diplomatiques.
Septembre 1976 Vietnam ouvre l’Ambassade à Ottawa (jusqu’au Mars 1981).
1990 Canada renoue l’aide officielle de développement au Vietnam.
Novembre 1990 Vietnam reouvre l’Ambassade à Ottawa.
Julliet 1991 Canada ouvre sa Mission Diplomatique à Hanoi.
Janvrier 1992 Le Vietnam et le Quebec signent l’Accord de Cooperation Economique et Technologique.
1994 Canada ouvre l’Ambassade à Hanoi.
Juin 1994 Le Premier Ministre Adjoint Phan Van Khai rend une visite au Canada.
Juin 1994 Le Vietnam et le Canada signent l’Accord de Cooperation de Développement.
Novembre 1994 Premier Ministre Jean Chrétien rend une visite officielle au Vietnam.
Novembre 1995 Le Ministre des Relations Exterieures du Canada A. Ouellet rend une visite au Vietnam.
Novembre 1995 Le Vietnam et le Canada signent l’Accord bilatérale en matière d’Echange et du Commerce.
Avril 1996 Le Ministre de Finance Canadien Paul Martin rend une visite au Vietnam.
Septembre 1996 Le President du CIDA H. Labelle visite Vietnam.
Octobre 1996 Le Ministre de la Cooperation Internationale et la Francophonie D. Boudria visite Vietnam.
Novembre 1997 Le Premier Ministre Canadien Jean Chrétien participe au 7th Sommet de la Francophonie à Hanoi.
Novembre 1997 Le Vietnam et le Canada signent l’Accord de Prevention de Double Taxation et de Prevention d’Evasion Fiscale en ce qui concerne les taxes sur les revenues.
1997 Canada opened Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City.
Novembre 1998 Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Nguyen Manh Cam visited Canada.
November 1999 Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Lyle Vanclief visited Vietnam.
March 2000 MOU on Service and Infrastructure Development between Vietnam and Canada signed.
July 2001 Minister of Foreign Affairs John Manley visited Vietnam.
July 2001 MOU on Project of Assistance Policy between Vietnam and Canada signed.
September 2004 Minister of Justice Uong Chu Luu visited Canada.
September 2004 Agreement on Aviation Transportation between Vietnam and Canada signed.
October 2004 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs cum Chairman of the Committee for Vietnamese Overseas Nguyen Phu Binh visited Canada.
May 2005 Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Affairs Ksor Phuoc visited Canada.
June 2005 Prime Minister Phan Van Khai paid an official visit to Canada, inaugurated the Vietnam House at 85 Glebe Avenue in Ottawa.
June 2005 Agreement on Adoption between Vietnam and Canada signed.
January 2006 First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Le Cong Phung cum SOM Chair APEC 2006 visited Canada.
November 2006 Prime Minister Stephen Harper attended the 14th APEC Summit Meeting in Hanoi.
May 2007 Deputy Prime Minister Truong Vinh Trong visited Canada.
February 2008 Inaugural round of Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement betweenCanada and Vietnam held in Hanoi.
2008 Canadian Ship (HMCS) Regina made a goodwill visit to Vietnam.
October 2008 Vice-President Nguyen Thi Doan attended the 12th Francophonie Summit in Quebec City and visi ted Canada.
2009 Vietnam chosen by CIDA as one of Canada’s 20 countries of focus (priority countries).
September 2009 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Pham Gia Khiem visited Canada.
June 2010 Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung attended the G-20 Summit Meeting in Toronto as Chair of the ASEAN.
July 2010 Minister of Foreign Affairs Lawrence Cannon attended the ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference and the ASEAN Regional Forum in Hanoi.
October 2010 National Assembly Chair Nguyen Phu Trong attended the G-20 Parliamentary Leaders’ Consultat ive Meeting in Ottawa.
November 2011 Governor General David Johnston paid a first ever State Visit to Vietnam.
March 2012 National Assembly Vice Chair Uong Chu Luu visited Canada.
June 2012 Party Secretary and National Assembly Vice Chair Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan visited Canada.
August 2012 Minister for International Trade Ed Fast visited Vietnam.
January 2013 Inaugural round of policy consultation between Vietnam and Canada held in Hanoi.
March 2013 Vietnam opened Consulate General in Vancouver.
March 2013 Deputy Foreign Minister Ho Xuan Son visited Canada.
March 2013 Minister of Foreign Affairs John Baird visited Vietnam.
September 2014 Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh paid an official visit to Canada. The two foreign Ministers signed a Letter of Intent on consolidating and boosting bilateral relations.
September 2016 Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Stephan Dion visited Vietnam. The two sides agreed to promote cooperation in seven fields mentioned in the Letter of Intent, with a focus on trade-investment and education-training.
December 2016 National Assembly’s Vice Chairman, General Do Ba Ty visited Canada.
November 2017 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau conducted an official visit to Vietnam. The two leaders agreed on the establishment of the Strategic Partnership Framework.
December 2017 Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne paid an official visit to Vietnam.
March 2018 Vietnam and Canada signed the agreement to become members of CPTPP.
June 2018  Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc conducted a working visit to   Canada and attended the Outreach Session of the G-7 Summit in Quebec.
June 2018 Canadian Minister of Defense Harjit Singh Sahan visited Vietnam. This is the first ever visit of a Canadian Minister of Defense to Vietnam.