Request Form (to be submitted with documents)
All documents that are not issued by Vietnam authorities need to be properly notarized by Notary Public Offices or by a lawyer in Canada and then apostilled/authenticated by the Global Affairs Canada or the relevant authority of the Governments of Provinces of Canada before being sent to the Embassy of Vietnam for legalization. Please find more information on Canada’s latest information and instructions here for apostillization/authentication.
To request for legalization service, you need to submit:
- Original authenticated documents.
- Legalization request form (which is a brief note requesting for the legalization service, and contact information including full name/company, address, and telephone number).
- Photocopies of the notarized documents and accompanying personal documents (Passport, identity card…) for filing at the Embassy. Applications will not be processed without sufficient documentation.
- Legalization and service fee (please see section 3 below).
Request Form (to be submitted with documents)
According to current regulation, power of attorney relating above matters needs to be:
Drafted in Vietnamese or bilingual (Vietnamese and English/French)
Notarized by a Canadian notary public or lawyers, then authenticated by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) or the relevant authority of the Governments of Provinces of Canada. Please find more information on Canada’s latest information and instructions here for apostille/authentication. (Applicants can request the Vietnam Embassy to get the notarized documents authenticated by DFAC) and finally
Legalized by the Embassy of Vietnam in Canada.
To request for legalization of a power of attorney of this type, please submit to the Embassy the followings:
- At least one original Power of Attorney that is signed directly in blue ink (without notarization) (more could be submitted as desired).
An original Power of Attorney that is duly notarized and authenticated and sent together with the original signed Power of Attorney.
Copy of Certificate of property of the relating real estate/properties ownership that are stated in the Power of Attorney.
A certified copy of valid ID/passport/PR card of the Authorizers and the Authorized persons that are stated in the Power of Attorney.
- Photocopies of the notarized documents and accompanying personal documents (Passport, identity card …) for filing at the Embassy. Applications will not be processed without sufficient documentation
Legalization and service fee (please see section 3 below).
Fees must be paid in form of US$ money order or US$ bank draft, payable to “The Embassy of Vietnam” or by credit card (Please be aware that 3% of total amount will be automatically charged for credit card transaction fee).
If you request to have the documents returned by mail, please provide full name of the recipient, a detailed mailing address (with postal code) and a telephone/cellphone number. The documents will be shipped by FedEx service or Canada post service. Additional charge may be applied for remote areas shipping. Without the mailing service specification, your documents will be returned by FedEx.
Due to the delayed delivery of Canada Post, FedEx service is recommended for urgent document shipping.
Please contact our officers at (613) – 236 0772 – Ext. 232 if you need further information.