The Vietnamese Embassy in Canada solemnly held a visiting ceremony and opened the funeral book of the Secretary General

The Vietnamese Embassy in Canada held a solemn visitation ceremony and opened a book of condolences in memory of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: Trung Dung/TTXVN)
The Vietnamese Embassy in Canada held a solemn visitation ceremony and opened a book of condolences in memory of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: Trung Dung/TTXVN)

According to the correspondent of the Vietnam News Agency in Ottawa, on July 25, the Vietnamese Embassy in Canada solemnly held a visiting ceremony and opened the funeral book of Comrade General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, with the participation of all officials and employees of the embassy next to the embassy and representatives of overseas Vietnamese in Canada.

Speaking at the ceremony, Vietnamese Ambassador to Canada Pham Vinh Quang reviewed the background, career and great contributions of the general secretary to the revolutionary cause and the cause of national construction.

The Ambassador stressed that after nearly 60 years of training in revolutionary practice, with a strategic, scientific and dialectical vision, a sharp political vision, always closely linking theory with practical synthesis, on the basis of the application and creative development of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, the General Secretary has made many important and remarkable contributions to the construction and improvement of our Party’s theory and program on the development of the country according to the socialist orientation, the Party and state guidelines and policies in many political, socio-economic, defense, security and foreign affairs fields.

On behalf of all officers and employees of the Vietnamese Representative Agency in Canada, Ambassador Pham Vinh Quang affirmed that he will continue to make efforts and join hands to contribute effectively to the implementation of foreign affairs tasks, thus promoting Vietnam-Canada relations more and more substantially and effectively, for the benefit of the two peoples and for the goal of building the Vietnamese nation.

The passing away of Secretary-General Nguyen Phu Trong has left infinite sadness in the minds of Canadian friends, international friends, compatriots and the Vietnamese community in Canada.

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Vietnamese Ambassador to Canada Pham Vinh Quang wrote a memorial book in memory of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong. (Photo: Trung Dung/TTXVN)

In her message of condolence, Governor General of Canada Mary Simon said that the Secretary-General’s contributions to the Vietnamese people will always be remembered and that Canada appreciates the Secretary-General’s support for the establishment of comprehensive bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

On July 25 alone, 7 delegations representing Canadian ministries and branches, embassies of ASEAN countries, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe came to Canada to visit and write a book of condolences in memory of General Secretary Nguyen Phu. My condolences to the Party, State, Vietnamese people and the family of Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong, express my gratitude and appreciation for the Secretary-General’s great contributions to peace, friendly relations, cooperation and development among countries in the region and the world.

The Philippine Ambassador, Chairman of the ASEAN Committee in Ottawa, hailed Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong as an outstanding leader who made great contributions to helping Vietnam become the prosperous country it is today. The Japanese Ambassador expressed his sincere condolences on the passing of Secretary General Nguyen Phu Trong.

The Dutch ambassador said the Secretary General’s leadership had brought Vietnam to peace and prosperity.

The Brazilian ambassador and the Tanzanian ambassador said the Secretary-General is a great friend of the people of those countries.

The Ambassador of Mongolia and the Ambassador of Sudan spoke movingly about their meetings with the Secretary-General.

The Vietnam-Canada Friendship Association, the Canada-Vietnam Business Council, the Canada-Vietnam Business Association on the East Coast, the International Students in Canada Cell and many members of the Vietnamese community in Canada respectfully paid tribute to this heroic spirit of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, expressing infinite condolences on the passing of a leader with heart, vision, wholeheartedly for the country and the people, devoting his spirit and strength until my last breath to the cause of the rich people and a strong, democratic, just and civilized society./.
